Kill all the headshrinkers!
Kill all the hairdressers! Hill all the
caredressers! Accept the verdict of your own experience. One million
people are not smarter than one. One billion people don't know your
unique history, augury, or pedigry better than you. The rules in this
world are for ruleobeyers. For Rula Lenska and the Rulemongers. These are
simple Type 1 souls new to the Flesh Corps who need to get their bearings
and have the standard set of basic experiences. And then there are Type 2
souls, who are on to more unusual and challenging forms of entertainment.
Finally, the Type 3 souls, the pre-ascended you and me. Bodhisattvas.
Here for the tougher assignments. Here to share it out. Here to give a
boost. Here to rub up against. Full of insecurity and doubt, forged with
positive leanings and inclinations, given up-momentum at conception, via
the surge of antiprotons in the sintered center, the creative inner anus.