spinning the marilyn chambers
the marilyn monroe chambers
sex shooter with nipplepoint bullets
little marilyn monroes
little lipstick bullets
little wetwax jackets
little yellow jackets
little steel-jacketed monroes
little pimpjacked marilyns
marilyn blows
harry reems
he still alive?
Marilyn's still alive
Monroe, that is, she slipped off to Aruba
The one who died, Sheila Spicoli
A starlet from Des Moines
Who loved Marilyn so much,
she gladly died to give her idol a break.
On Judy Garland Island
The MGM-owned island of failed starlets
They've set up impromptu colonies
Fighting for dominance and control
Now and then a launch from the mainland
Striding through the surf, L.B. Mayer in a sarong
Like Sargon in a sarong
And the starlets all genuflect
They hit the ground like hindus
L.B. selects a few for fellatio later
In the tiki torch nighttime
In a grass hut up on a pi-pi
Starlets smokin peepee up there on a pi-pi
Startlets jumping at the slightest sound
Feral starlets in the bushes
Surprise the fellatrix
Kidnap L.B.'s penis
Hold his manhood for ransom
It's detachable
L.B. Mayer's a robot
Sent back into time to corner the market on failed starlets
A great delicacy in the far future