the day's infrared decline
an offer the airplanes decline
a summons the airplanes refuse
Flying on and will not recline
a violet hued old man
the old sky hoary & setting
wispy like a cold old man
feathered like a winged old woman
the infrared airplanes refuse
the summons of the old red sun
come yonder west, business travelers!
Sail into the pacific to China!
Set your course for the setting sun
Accompany the morning to China
But the business travelers bound for LAX
Haven't a care for an infrared sun
They're heading for a violet evening
An ultraviolet evening in the beds
Tanning in the UV neon
Resting for tomorrow's wars
A summons to the city lights
They'll alight in the city lights
Cracking cabs for the sweet luggage inside
There are restaurants to run
And cocktails to taste
This is the swan song of the suits
The business of the commuter suits
To watch the sinking westward sun
And dream of idylls in the pacific
Somewhere on a pacific island
Hence, we'll work even harder
We'll hone our suits just that much sharper
Open up the underbelly of success
Hoping for pacific islands inside
The sun's violet demise