The Father, Janet, and the
Holy Ghost.
Jack, The Son, and the Holy Ghost.
Jack, Janet, and the Holy Ghost.
Jack, Janet, and Chrissy.
Lust, Reason, and Emotion.
The father, the son, and the holy ghost.
Law, wisdom, faith.
Jack, Janet, and Chrissy.
Lust, Reason, and Emotion.
The Holy Ghost, the Father, and the Son.
Larry, Moe, and Curly.
Jack, Moe, and Manny.
Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea.
Mr. Roper, Larry, and the
Holy Ghost
The Father, the Son, and Mr. Furley
The Father, the Son, and the Regal Beagle
The Farther, the Sun, and the Holey Ghost
The farther sun travels through the holey ghost.
Jack, Christy, and Lana
Jack, Jesus, and Larry
Jack, Neal, and Bill
Jack, Jack, and Jesus
Jack, Jack, and Jack
Jack, Jack, and Jack, and Jesus