a swarm of ribs
swam onshore
sore onshore
unhorsed on shore

a swarm of beams
builds a beehouse
make a beeline to the beehouse, boys!
carry out your pink commands, boys!

A swarm of rims
Ivory women
Imory woven
The weaver of an easy way
The weaver of an easier way

A star-blackened sky
Selling heroin to the waitresses
Mars a ruby in the star blackened sky
Mars is a ruby in the star blackened sky

Ruby builds the treehouse, boys!
Oh you and your ruby buddies
Swarming to atomic mars
With their tassels and their scopes
Swimming on atomic mars
Or the moon's atomic landscape

Star warm human beins
Ruby and the human bees
Drones at the treehouse door
There's drones in the treehouse tonight
Ruby's drones akimbo
Selling skeletons to the neighbors
Selling telescopes to the neighbors below

Warm in the stomach of the storm
Warm among the whaleribs
Swimming in a whale's gullet
With the drone of the storm outside
Warm inside from the storm
And the beating of his giant heart
slowing 'cause he swam onshore


good stuff inspired by/riffing off of gems belonging to georgialee on livejournal.com