the tiny red cunt of October
the cunt for red October
the red cunt toward October

time to forget all the crud
time to sweep clear all the crud
any morning crud crusted in the corners
any corning crud crusted in the morners

one more vowel after the extinction
the stinking extinction of the vowels

happy crusty leftovers
crusty star leftovers
scabbed the sky

can you see
the galaxy
for the stars?

Sluts Williamson
Abandoned the galaxy
For a pole star
On the brink

A nibble and a blink
Nibble & blame
Just ain't the same

Esmerelda mornings
One hundred thousand esmerelda mornings to savor!

Noble and blink
Noblink and blun
Brung ice crink
Cring crang crung

The ancient lake
Sleeping in the sun
Underneath the megaliths

The ice cream razorblade sun
Sleeping in the sun
Peeling in the sun
Peeling in my sleep
Sleep peeling offa me waking

The transom grasses

Straps slipping in the sun
Straps keep slipping in the sun
Her perfect naked shoulder
In Disneyland in the sun
Her honey-roasted breasts
Her ice-cream candy breasts
Her lacquered Limoges breasts
You could tell the time by them

Soft & slimy magic

Skye's darkened eyes