Drooling baby cataclysms in
paroxysms of jellyfish extravaganzas.
Clenched fists, tiny fists full of jellyfish protoplasm. The baby who
comes bursting out of the womb with strange items in his hand...vanishing
bits of scrollwork with hebrew letters on them. Glowing weakly. Before
long they're gone. The baby almost immediately dies unsuccessful,
he'll try again somewomb else.
Wombs bursting with prophecy,
like a lot of Hindenburgs. The Hindenberg
hit an airberg, and slowly went down. All its passengers, including the
two young lovers, perished in the flames. Once the blimp was gone, they
floated in the atmosphere for a little while, holding onto pieces of
jetsam as flotation devices. But it was too cold up there, and despite
the attempts by rods to communicate and/or feed the victims, they all
died. This is why they call that area of the atmosphere the skeleton
layer. They circle the earth forever.