down the bible hole
nipsey's down the triphole
my mind and his capacious apartments
adventures in front of the camera
roomin with the human brothers
throwing cash to the wolves
with human binoculars
blowing binocular past the stars, all scarred, all feathered, scarred and
feathered, the monotony of sky and stars, starsandsea, sea and saa, scaz
and scand. Suns and sand. Suns skies & sand.
Unmanned sand capsule. Major autoromantic, homoerotic, mobo-omantic,
erotoautomatic sand sentiments. Skentiments. Skintimants. Tame skin
intimates. Panty intimates. Mobomantic.
Bombomantic. Cenozoic. Jen of the Cenozoic. Pam of the Paleozoic.
Mobile Johnson. I am saying something new and in my own way. I am
innovating. Always innovanting. Always wanting innowation
Morning broke loose from its moorings
Hugely threatening the docks & craft
Till whitecaps wrestled it back in place
(Whitecaps are the techs who fix & maintain the machinery of the
universe. They wear white jumpsuits and caps with comically overlong