Story of Jesus, only with a robot in his place. The Gospel According To

· Angel visits Mary. She'll bear a son, etc. She falls over in a faint.
When she comes to, she's got a silver suitcase. Since an angel brought
it, she carries it around.
· 9 months later, in a stable, the case opens automatically, with a great
whoosh of frost. Three wise men come, alerted by the automatic homing
beacon. They're robots too.
· Nice kid. But as it grows, it must constantly seek a source of ore.
Hangs around ironworkers and such. Fashions clockwork birds, ala Lost
Books of Eden.
· Around 30, new programming kicks in, and robot is chagrined at his new
· When waking up Lazarus, explain how it was done exactly, with the
robot's technical powers, command of voltages, etc.
· Difficult to lift him up on the cross, since he's so heavy.
· Eli, Eli, etc. is a command phrase to power down the mechanism.
· Joseph of Arimathaea really a mechanic from the future, the "sepulchre"
just an advanced repair bay
· Resurrection = reactivation, etc.