Racing on a razor
Raising the dead on a razor
Raisin dead on the reazor
Razing the ded on a Raisor
Racing the dead on a riser

Razing the dude on a razed whore
Racing the dude on a racewhore

Canning the ticklecar
With a broken pastry
On the ticklegears

Gigantic panties

The wetboys
Wetboys on a wet web
Webboys on a wobbly web

Droopy boobs
Drooby boobies

Damn the dumb drummers
Dum-dum bullets for the drum drum drumbers
Dumb dumb rubber rumber mummers

The first round robin of spring
The round alien robin spinning in the sky
Spinning silver robins robbing rainbows from the sky
Between here and jupiter the spinning robins go
White-hot spinning silver robins disking as they go