Here is the world: unsmiling men who've got a job to do, and you're in
their way. It's nothing personal. They can't make an exception. Stand
aside. They must destroy that parcel of nature over there. Open your
wallet -- they require a small fee to cover their expenses. It's the
law. You must pay a surtax on the air you're breathing. You must pay
your nature surtax to help them destroy it.
There's a pregnant pod over there. a pregnant pauser. A pregnancy
pauser -- she's going to do three months now, then the final six months
after she finishes college. She's gone to collagen college. We rented
an autowomb for her, but she didn't want it. She used the dorm womb for
that. The girls love it -- every day, the little floater grows, and
there's a pool for who gets the baby. If nobody wins, of course...well,
those roses out front aren't lush and vibrant simply by accident.