The Indians of DOS
Save your precious spacious time
Spacious dimension
Crapicious capricious crap
Don't fight hate
Build good!
Boner-hearted bunboxes
Fuckin flaxen honey
Honey sweet and runny
Honey haired and liquor
Whiskey liquor Sunday
To be famous on TV is to be infamous
Look how well they publicize evil
The faces of the killers
The titillating killers
The faces of well-publicized evil
Subtle golden hammers
Sparkle goldenhammers
Sparkle, golden hammers!
Gold and silver, golden hammers!
Pam destroyed
Pix of my shaft
Pix of my auburn shaft
Now there's a snake in september's bed
The nudism engine
The miners of babe mountain
Out on the peninsula
Looking over my penis EULA
Out on a wonderboat
Out on a one door boat
There are many many boats
But only one one door boat
The Simpsons of time and space
Stella Stevens
Circa seventy-three
"Terror Cruise"
work harder than a welsh spellchecker
burdens of wounded light
Jesus Stevens!
The Jesus of wounded light
Oh! The balding vice-presidents!
The pioneers of light