Perils of the bygone years. Perils in the bygone dust, the years
all just dust in the duster by now. The only evidence remaining
the years existed at all: the microscoping grains of dust in the
telescoping duster.

Pearls of the bygone years. La perla of the bygone years. Fester
in the bygoneyears. Gerald and La Perla.

Byron in the bygone years
Byron in the bygone gears
Byron in the gears
One more back for industry
Mind twisted into a counting house

Sunscreen onscreen. Sunscreen on the windscreen. Sunscream on
the windscreen. Sunscream on the windshield. The cream of ten thousand
suns churned into a lovely galactic butter. This is what the milky way
is for -- once we're done admiring the stars, we need to turn on our
electric funnels, vacuum them all in, and turn them to our industry,
to our consumption. We need to start eating the stars. This is how
the universe ends -- we'll consume the entire galaxy, then move on
to others.

I would like to begin consuming soccer moms. And gigantic succulent
consumers on the weekend in the mall. Huge bulbous fleshy tender
consumers with sons all jiggly-fat. The best way to get rid of these
people is to consume them. The best way to rid the world of these
consumers is simply to consume them!