Jim Crow laws for Savonarola!
Jim Crow at Sav-On. Old Crow at Sav-On, in
the bag of a funky ass monky lookin guy. Monkin lookin at the punkin.
Nearly obcotober, old crow! Crows on pumpkins near hayricks? Orange
plumpkins filling vacant lots with hay & lights strung from whitewashed
Capture the artistic phenomena
on the scopes. Scopesmeters lookin for the
monkin phenomena. Muckin in the tarbules. Tar buboes in the city's
armpits. Dangling like testicles. La Brea buboes on a homeless man's
corpse in an alley near the Mission. Gone fishin out behind the mission?
Monkin at the fonkin mission!
Monkin in the Gulf of Tonkin.
Fire on the mountain, and on the testicles
of the Buddhist Monk with a can and a match. Hard boiled man-eggs for the
urchins. Surchin for urchins among the burnin monks, and the homeless
stand around warming their hands & stamping their feet. They're monkin'
too! Just a hunka hunka burnin monks!