Mundane holiday. For mundane mnemonics holiday. A day for sitting
around under leaden skies, looking at the old wall, the old joists, the
old doorjambs, the longrusted old wire fence. Counting the wire
fenticles. The old rusted sky, hanging half asunder like a busted
carport canopy. Like a cantilevered a cantilevered
The jaialai highlights. Countring the speeding white stars. Contouring
stars with a kind of spatula device.
The spies of Anton van Leeuwenhoek. The microscopic spies. Of Aten Van
Leeuwenhoek, the microscopic egyptian sungod -- the gungod, the
stungod, worshipped by Akhenaten. Akhenanton, on the other hand,
worshipped Anton Van Leeuwenhoek. While worshipping, shipped a sea over
the bulwarks. The Nile is in flood, filled with microscopic bacteria,
the kind that produce amoebic dysentry.
The microscopic sungod
A microscopic stungun
Deployed by a nanoback
Microscopic stungod
Microscopic blowback
My feeling is Akhenaten would stay out in the sun all day long, getting
more and more sunburnt, feeling that the pain was not only a
benediction, but the terrible edge of a vast universal knowledge of
some sort, seeping into his skin, and while it baked him lobster raw,
he was deciphering the photons, deciphering the sunbeams, learning the
things the sun knows.
And that is why we can't: the sun speaks to us all right, but it speaks
to us in ancient Egyptian.