1. Slow Train Comin': You begin to hear the chugging of the train. As
the usual view freezes and slowly loses color and decays, the train
comes into the living room, the engineer gives you a wink, the
conductor smiles, swings his watch, helps you up.

2. Apocalypse Now: The sky tears open, the Trump sounds, Jesus comes
down on a nacreous staircase, slaps you a high five, you jump on the
back of one of the Horsemen who's revealed to be wearing a halloween
skeleton suit, and inside, surprise, it's Mother Mary, fooling around
in costume for your amusement! Off the horses race, to your new home on
a hill.

3. The Fleeing Television: Suddenly, you see the view from outside your
body, and it's on a square screen, and it's paused, and then the screen
retreats at great speed into an infinite black, leaving you quite
alone. When you think of your body, there it is, naked, hunched over on
a featureless floor more an idea of a floor. What happens next, I
cannot say; possibly a horrible, wetguts kind of interlude before

4. The Jungle: Suddenly the noose around your neck is a creeper, a
liana vine, and you're in the company of David Livingstone, following
his hacked out trail through the jungle -- above the stars swirl and
swim, van goghian, midnight black faces grin pointed grins, and the
scream of vermin in the bush raises the hairs on the back of your neck
-- oh, you'll make it, but only after many hairy and hideous

5. Caught by Grampa: Elderly in the nursing home after dinner, and
Gramma complains of a headache -- pop! She slumps to the floor, 100
percent dead, collapsing deadweight useless to the carpet -- from her
POV, however, she slipped and fell, and Grampa caught her in his
massive burly arms, and his smooth brown hair and his bright blue eyes
and thick white teeth, and her lustrous auburn tresses and her soft,
smooth limbs, and a spring in her step -- the two of them are spring
chickens...how it happened, who gives a fuck, there's a fair going on
down at the track -- you can see the ferris wheel from here.