the perfect pitch of modern life
a patch of largely modern life

dalai lama dominos
brain dominos

timid celebrities
twain dominos

twain celebros

tron dominos
the dominotron

The dominator laters. Now and dominator later. Later in the domination
haze. Later when the international domination rises from the haze. It's
rizing out of the hase. It's rising for Fred Haise, just out of the june
gloom below I believe.

The dominator lasers. Later for the dominator lasers. The nuclear power
lasers. Stitching together the earth and sky. The skearth and eye.

The skearts of the earth
The skirts of the hoverearth

Earth skirling in the sky
Earth swarming through the sea
Later, ever later, laserboys

Teenage dykes on the merry go round
Teenage dykes taking carousel tickets
Teenage dykes selling ice cream at the fair
Teenage dykes at the top of the ferris wheel
Teendykes at the funfair

Big weekend
Wig beekend

Indian engines
Made in Japan
Steaming across the prairie
Hunting wasichu

The arc of infinite trouble

The bomb of infinite turbulence

Glass bags of ding calcium

Mermaids on heroin
Nodding in the sands

Sailing birds
Sailing with the birds
Birds trailing the masthead
Birds dancing with the masthead

God's own homunculus

Run amok in the shamshack

Sixteen hundred stars
Grinning out of the sky

Gengineer a virus
That kills whites and makes the red man immune to alcohol
Sorry, fellows
We'll just have to reincarnate brown
In a 2200 world of plains
And nouveau buffalo

The hungryfuckers
Hanging around with the hungryfuckers
Charging around with the mungy fuckers
Wickes fuckes!
Mary Wickes, she fuckes!