without the centrifuge

in the centrifuge

the center fugue
luge without the centrifuge
luge within the centrifuge

trance and text violation
tracers of your violation
the tracer bullets of your pain
bad words streaking in the darkness

oh, the madness machines
treads and a diamond of screens
screans, they call em
treads and the many facets of screans

love on the poker bus
a can of rabies on the poker bus

Holly's amazed
A Fonzie movement

Computer massage
Commuter massage

Ballroom filled with hepatitis

Get a job as a computer feeder. They eat information. What you do is sit
and tell them stories. You pick a computer and you tell it everything you
can think of, about yourself, about your day, about your life, your
opinions, your dreams and fantasies, your loves and hates.