Hirsute australopithecus
in his hairy nest, out west. A cowboy hat and
chaps. 4 feet tall. Riding a prehistoric horse, herding small game.
Hairsuit australopithecus riding a hirsute horse hither and yon, in
search of locusts and wild honey. Like Ur of the bandy legs following the
bee eater in The Source.
Australopithecus, running
the veldt with his pith helmet, ruling the
violent veldt with a bone gavel. Cro-magnon navies searching for magnetic
north fleets of coracles of whalebone and animal skins. Cro-magnon
nativities, baby Ur-Jesus lying in a rock cleft in the corner of a cave.
A rock of Ice Ages.
Well? How many Annunciations
have there been? All the Early Men died in
the Flood. The New God had this plan, emanating from Eden, so he figured
he'd scotch all the grunters and start afresh. Jehovah, the man with the
plan. Yahweh, El-Shaddai, God of Shepherds in the Wilderness. That'd be
fine, to sit on a hill in the evening, a shepherd, and watch the stars
come out.
A stone-age Jesus crucified
on a rack of sticks by the frightened
members of the tribe. Or trepanned to let the spirits out. Herd the
jesuses of the veldt into the one-way corral jesus pelts! To keep the
cold cavemen warm at night. Too bad, Jesus try again at Calvary!