Morose salmon. Moping salmon. Catching moping salmon easily with a net,
with a crooked stick, with a wet limp dildo.
Mulching animosity easily with a net. Mitching witness with a net,
netting witnesses altogether. Altogether lesbians. Animosity with a
crooked stick, snagged in the netting. The humannetting. Humanetting on
the internet. Humanet. Snuggling in the netting.
electromagnetting. magnetizing myself to her. together we made a
circuit which gave us both the sweet feedback of new life. she
unplugged, obstinately changing her polarity.
the silver curtain murders. this is a night for silver nitrate. the
curtains shimmer in the wind. they're made entirely of silver velvet.
Silver gelatin murders. The silver gelatin ruminations. Silver nitrate
jiggles & runs. The red bulb rattles in the wind, the stop bath goes
over, the fixer bursts into flame. The developer, alive, leaps out of
the tray and into your face -- slowly, a print comes into view on your
skin, an image of...then burns black overexposed.
We're a monkey in a cage of bone.
We're monkeys in a cage of bone
Humanmonkeys sullen in our southern cages
All throughout the northern ages
Monkeys in our blue bone nets
Monkeys in a skylark cage
monsters in our human nets
smuggled in our human nets
in the electric shark nets, we've snagged our silver eels. we're eeling
just beyond the breakwager, diving on the silver shark nets, past webs
of silversides & swims, porpoises herding sardines into tighter and
tighter gyres. now and then a shark chums by -- the dolphins laugh and
trip him up, kneel behind him and push him over...the natural order is
reversed! The dolphins no longer fear him which was 90 the game won!
and if they don't fear him, then his terrible serrated grin is nothing
at all, now is it?
we're monkeys in a gelded cage, monking in a gelding cage, hanging in
an anchorite cage, out nearby the anchorite caves. We're anchorites in
Anchorage, naked and blue out in the swirling wind, sniffed by polar
bears, nuzzled by arctic foxes, laughed at by plump Inuit children. But
we are pious and we have faith and nothing will interfere with us.