Chucking pieces of sky at the moon
Flying on the flinging sky pieces
Chucking sky pies at the face of the moon
This is space slapstick, baby!

The hut of the organisms. Onanism among the organisms. Bargaining words
for other words. Raking related words out of the ponds where words float
in the millions like cranberries. Raking meaning out of the wordberry
ponds. Our houses are all on shifting sands, shifting chemical sands
liable to liquefy at any moment.
     But beneath the whirlygirly of the mind, inside the torus of mind, a
peaceful matrix. A matrix of peace. A peaceful matrix of electric polaris
power. A powerful magnetic field dispelling the angry polarities of
conflict! The dark iron filings, the dark stitches of conflict! Two
opposing items stitched together! A cat & a dog stitched together!
     I dissolve the frankenstitches. Let the forces diverge. Let only
convergent forces converge. Let ideas find their like. Let my impulses
find their easy outlet. Let my desires and proclivities find such clothes
as fit them.

The dark ark of conflict. The tiny black bats of conflict. Black bats
stitched to black rats stitched to black snakes dipped in black tar.
Black Star brand Tar, to be precise — tar which will collapse your
driveway into another dimension.