Thinking about Christine

The superbutts at the milkskirt bar
Pussycats swathed in skirts of milk
Pussyskirts and minimilks

Relaxing on a volcanic island
With the brown nip girls

Windy thighs in finite sighs
The fine frequent sighs of bliss
The frequencies of island kiss

Caroling down in the milkweb hills
Dejablue and Argo-black

Pullforth the seetheslow pictures
Seethe through the slough of pictures

Hana glowboats
Issuing forth from the Dry Tortugas
Froth issuing forth
The froth of July
From an overshaken Shasta can
Midst a gaggle of teenage laughter

Scraping the bad breath off the dry tongues
Nip gills in the slough of Forth

The geography of my philosophy
The plane geometry of my phrenology
The palmar illumination
The laminar luminance of my geology

The noises of the horsies
The noisies of the horsies
The noses of the horses

Solvent to dissolve your ass
Solvent to dissolve the love in your ass

Lucy the Pussy?
I'll take 800K.

Esther went west, yesterday
The chicks love the ankle sax
East chicks westcheck dudes
And never the Twain shall meet

Eyelids on your eyelimbs
Managing the moonstroke pajamas

A chance to see
At any given density
Create a sense of anxiety

To revolve an eyeball
To revel in evil
To revile via revolver
To live on in the live ones
Evil in an eyeball
The balls of the beholder
Evil lives in the colder balls
Beholden in the leaden world

Lolling with the laser dealers
Get involved with revolving volleyball
The revolving eyeball