The piercing of Jesus's side
was an explanation dreamed up to hide the
appendectomy scar.
Jesus, you see, was a time
traveler. A mystic, he found the simple folk
appealing, and the urge to influence them irresistible. Unfortunately, it
led to a bad end.
This happened in Civilization
4. Jess and his friend Eli were goofing
around with a time transporter, and they found an interesting land down
along the timelines. A barren, rocky land of simple, pious folk, and
puffed up religious men who needed to be taken down a peg. You can't
blame Jess for going a little crazy.
And perhaps you can't blame
Eli for not transporting him out, in the end,
but allowing him to die on the cross. Which led to Jesus' famous words,
"Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani", commonly interpreted as "My God,
My God,
why have you forsaken me?" but meaning really "Eli, Eli, save me,