The yellow light of repose, bars of swirling sunlight in a room of
threadbare drugs. Gnomons of yellow design in an ordinary carpet
Swirling wild yellow sunlight tamed by these panes of glass
Tossed by these panes of glass
And on the linoleum, and in the yellow chambers of my home
An old man in mint green shirt, short-sleeve, pocket, missing a button
Slowly decomposing
The yellow oily light of another day. The sun flies across the sky like
a jetliner and it's night. Then the moon flies across the sky like a
helicopter and its day.
A bus in the corn-colored gloom
A bust in the coffee-colored gloom
Yellow formica in the nicotine stained room
Eating preliminaries like pastilles
In the preliminary gloom
In the urinary room
Like a jar of cloudy piss
Short-sieve shirt
The christian science monitor lizard
The christian science monster
the prologmena of phlogiston
salamanders of phlogiston
the monsters of phlogiston
The gnomon of my gnosis
Overcast again!
Lonely man decomposing
Nobody will notice
Until the papers pile up on the porch
And every utility is off
And the house slowly subsides into termite dust
The entire neighborhood will've moved out
Before he's discovered.
The entire neighborhood will burn down around him.
And his lonely skeleton will keep watch
Still clutching the tarnished remote control