Romper Ranger
Crackfuck Rick
Trick Track Troo
In the turkey trove
The Turkey Truck
In the slickslack slough

And here comes
the tickle truck
For good old Tiffany Fuck
Tiffany's on the ticklestick
Cracks a grin on the tickletrack
Taffy for the ticky tucks
Cracklin in the ticklestack
Grinnin at the taffy trick
Smackin on the taffystick

nicked in the naked cracks
nicked a crack and took it naked
slaked the naked thirst of cracks
the dry sere cracks of the desert's ass
the desert's back in the broken sun
sundered in the bricky sun
the tricky tracky thundersun
thunderstorms in a clearblue cloudless sky
the sun is rumbling on its track
the sun is thundering in its ways
a god went by at mach 18
leaving only his sonic boom