The girls with the corn in their eyes
The girls with the corn in their hair
The girls with the corn in their hearts

The girls with the corn in their heirs
The heifers with the corn in their hooves

Counting down the corn
It's a corn countdown!
Countdown to the launch from the corn
Cowdown to the cornlaunch
The rocket from the crib
The rocket from the fields
The Iowa rocket headin to Mars
Why, it's a Bradbury novella

Cow in the rocketcorn
Corn for the rocketcow
The rocketcorn racket
The corn makes a racket when it's burned up by a rocket

Coins for the rocketcorn
The rocketcrows are launching
Out of the vast cornlaunchfield
Black wings heading for the moon
Blackwings heading for the eclipse
Blackwings launching to encompass space
Blackwings launched to become space
The black wings of corn rockets launching into space
The rockets, all of corn, like huge bugles