Clitties in the cities
Cloud-hunger in the vaporous cities
Vaporous emissions in the outerburoughs
Outer brothers in the omphalos boroughs

Cold in the cloud cities
Babies hungry for cloud in the cities
Babies can see clouds out the nursery window
Babies hunger for the nipples of the clouds
Milk clouds moo and congregate
Outside the nursery windows
Milch clouds with long eyelashes and moist lips
Hoist their bags over the transom
Hang their bubbies over the cribs
To slake the thirst of the skinny blue babies

The cloud city is beautiful, but cold
Ice frosts over everything
More so when the heating elements go on the fritz
Many's the time I've seen the gold-suited techs
Sprinting down the shiny hallways
In my private compartment, lined with streamlined blue plushes,
I got the warmth — I'd better, high as I am in the Party!
And warmth, as well, walks in on two legs nightly
Cybernetic dream jacks
A signal song tickling the pituitary
Taught by the robo-masters at the fabrication plant!
Nay, those delicious bastards!