squirting with the squirejacks
squire of the squirtjacks
Cindy Mercury. Met her in the bell weather. Met her in the frequency chains,
the dna clusters, clusteroid phials of genetic material, with which to sew
your cloak. Medical genetical, medical genital university fever on the white
tip to the smarmageddon crook. Met her in the university. Met her on the
linoleum. Don't even remember her name at all. Oh, but what an ass she
had. In her leg warmers on that windy fall day, 1983.
America's mercury astronauts
They're going to Mercury first?
Makes sense. Start with the first planet, after all. Quite a challenge, but
much better than just the moon. Something's happening on Mercury.
Mercury is where it's all goin on.
America's arsonauts
America's ursonauts
Stranded with the astronauts
In a burning building with the arsonauts
Running with the bears with the ursonauts
Billy Asscandles
Smoke remote
Apply for a visa to mercury
You and your esoteric references
The rankenfile just don't get it
The ränkenfiel just don't see
My foil, the Rankenfeil
(In German this can be rendered as the "Creeping Venal")
my esoteric assblanderies
morning and anti-morning
Mary, clearly my inferior. Ordinary-looking. Even ugly.
Truly appreciative and deserving of the attention.
Limits to transcend.
Should've married her and be done with it.
She made me happy. She loved me.
And was so mercifully free of the ravages of intelligence.
One fucked up smartass is enough for one relationship!
Will they celebrate my diligence?
I seem to have blundered into a Schrodinger's box.
A zone where nothing I do will be celebrated or even noticed.
Where my reward for success & failure is utterly the same -- complete
I should show the world how I'm a Johnny Psychicseed.
A channeler of the spiritus mundi, a medium for the zeitgeist,
a producer of raw wet memes.
And what it means to have a devoted producer freely giving to his public.
And why I've chosen this path as opposed to any other path.
To counteract the Coulters of the world, the talking heads who the only
thing they give away free is mind contagion.
I place my wordlings on the wind, let them go and forget them.
Ten thousand years from now, they take root in a distant star system
On an old red-green planet, between the tendrils of disgusting plants
Something new, starborne, has occurred here
Starting up the engines of evolution once again
Eventually to produce another chimera farmer, another meme farmer
Another new meme father
And so the cycle of life is complete
And so the cycle of life goes on
And so the cycle of life is renewed
Trashy cutie pie
Sneaky bikini
She's a sneaky bikini
With her bikini of trash
Her bikini hand grenades
Her bikini pineapple
Work is a virus
Seasons of blankness
Setting goals is facist and wrong
Running life limited by your conscious mind?
Life isn't a wind up toy.
Life isn't a mechanism.
Life is a protoplasm.