Phoney thugs from suburban environments. The suburban choirs, whisky in
the morning, whisky in the evening. Fathers with two fingers of liquid
in a tumbler. The honey lights of home. Swiss steak, the innsbruck
olympics on television.
Fathers of infinite chagrin. Steak and a swiss cheese sandwich. An
infinite steak and cheese sandwich. Steak knives and grapefruit spoons.
Infinite chagrin, and grapefruit spoons
Infinite chagrin and cheesesteak
Steak in the spokes of my bike. Steak in the spokes of my life. makes a
poor motornoise contraption. Like a wet engine. Turning one's bike into
an extra biological entity. Playing Genetic Designer in the suburbs of
tomorrow. Morphing the cat into a flying monster. Turning Mrs. Hector's
dog into a hummingbird.