"I know I've had a baby,
but my stomach is still nice & flat, see?" She
lifted her tank top and unsnapped her white shorts.
She knelt down. "That
must hurt," she said orangely. She kissed me under
the ear. She licked my neck.
She settled her weight on
me. She was a custom-fitted apparatus of
interlocking arms & legs. She had the entire agenda in her hands.
Once again there were blue-white
universals. We tumbled through the
monolith. The world ran like a frozen cotton candy nightmare in a blue &
black box. Particle physics & gravitation simmered like crabs. Four walls
waited for the tesseract, and the planes intersected. The time/mond
facets tumbled like crystal confetti. Outside sirens meowed obscure
errands. At last: the crystal helicopters of Heaven.