one must not discriminate against the discriminators
nor war against the warriors
nor hate the haters
nor disapprove of the disapprovers

unanimous humanity
homogenous humanity

under the aegis of the Regency Twins

laxadasical danger

some words unspelled
they were spelled when I wrote 'em
then over time they became unspelled
soon nothing was spelled, and all the letters died
they're powered by the paper they're on
electrons hate words, and so, they disperse
the moment their backs and switches are turned
the moment the motors hum into nothing

None of us will be held responsible for the behavior of
anybody else but ourselves.

The blues of 222
The blues of triple-2

The twingle gallery

Life in a warm & hairy necropolis

In the mercury boxes

Denise Lipton

A pool of broken focus

See ya at armageddon!