The rubber rubbercules. The
rubber of Lupercal. Lupercalifornia. Lupus in
California. The rubbasond. Rubbasonic mulctomania.
California in the 70's
Palpable atmosphere
Shuck the shacky seventies
bounce. Bounce on the microphilia flonders.
The flounders of the louder pounders on the ocean floor. The flounder-
floor, sand and faeces on the flounder-floor, deep in the oceansphere,
deep in the aerosphere, deep in the aquasphere. Deep in the
squandersphere with Squanda.
Under the undafloor
The ungafloor, madly
Swimming to the undafloor
Undulating to the underfloor in a sea of gross testicles. In a sea of
foul testaments, I am undulating like a slug.
Necrophilia founders on
the floor of the ocean see
On the flounder-floor of the ozcean zee
The Ossian ossuary of the ocean sea
The canadian sea
Ossian in the ossuary of the Ogam sea
Planes have to be careful
Planes and their pleonasms
In the skeleton layer
Now and then an engine is destroyed
Men on the ground find a human thighbone
Lodged in the twisted turbofan blades