Attitude is actually 99.99 percent. Events are fairly unimportant, except
insofar that they are the fruits of attitude. Or, in the sense that they
are the peaks of undersea mountains upthrust in the geologic activity of
the metaphysical worlds — poking up dry and spume-blown above the
quantum waves of our physical world.

Events are the results of your attitude. Events are the feedback. The
entire world is simply a feedback device for your emotional reality. It
cannot be proven to be otherwise. Neither can time be proven to exist,
nor space — all we know is, we can do, now.

Events are more-D lozenges in the matrix of our universe, around and
through which we change our relation, in a fashion we perceive as the
passage of time. Once we learn, each of us, the secret of that movement,
how to consciously direct it and so forth, then we dispense with time and
escape into the interstices — a cover story must then be concocted, and
so we manufacture a "death".

I'm talking about Phenomenogenesis. It's funny how people mistake
voluntary belief systems for Fate. Fact is, more of existence is
voluntary than is commonly suspected. This is scoffed at by scoffers. And
meanwhile, miracles happen all the time. By epiphenomena, I mean the
little distant effects far from the creative center — arguing over the
nature of the drops rather than seeking the nature of the Nozzle. Which
is fine for the cocaine nights and coffeehouse evenings of youth.
Eventually one must seek the Guardian of the Secret Nozzle and pose the
question to Phenomenon Gene: "Gene, am I not a God?" To which Gene
replies, "What do you think?"