Pointless machinations machinizations chinesenations. Imaginations.
Nations of images, icons, magic icons weeping tears and blood from
stigmata. Automatic stigmatic with a bleeding sigmoid colon. Too much
aspirin? Too much gastrointestinal tract, GI? "Hey, GI — intestines?"
wheedles the Asian woman with the hands full of loops in the dusty
backstreet between the tightly crammed kiosks. "Godfish? Cigars? Nik-

Aspirin spring. Doing the windup thing. Asian spring thing. Inspiring
Asians and aspirins assist spring to well up the In-Spring. It's a spring
thing, you know. Green sprigs of spring, the young pigs of spring. What
springs forth springs forth from green bushes, bursts forth bunnies over
the greens.

Bunny-on-the-green. Green bunny gardens running boggy in the sunny rain.
Don't go potty on me! Children walking home in sunshowers. Fun children
in the funshowers beating childrums.

A girl pressing her massive bunnyboobies! Boobis! Preening her boobis.
It's a boobi trap! Noooo! They're overfull, they'll burst! One static
electricity spark and the whole hydrogenated mass will go up like the

The massive-assed bunnies are squealing like spring piglets! Look at
those athletic socks and shoes! Bunny had a massive ass, it's true, but
that was good cheerleader mass, ten good full firm pounds of spring
cheerleader ass mass. A hundredweight of cheerleaders! If that.