the wallet and the wall
hit the wall when they rolled my wallet
hit bottom when I hit the ground
without my wallet and my watch
in an alley with the drunks
rolled along with drunks
rolled of my rolex and rallet
they stole my letter w
along with my ratch and my rallet

of november
lavender provender in novender
life is tougher without the letter M
M supports the heavens!

Sunny day in Helios
Bright yellow sun in Heliopolis
When I was Herodotus
Growing up in Halicarnassus
There was this kid I knew
Him and his big brother
Belonged to two different clubs
At war with each other
And this girl Analysis
Was always figuring out stuff
Drove herself crazy, and finally
Leaped off a tower

Heloise in Helios
Sucking helium in Helios
Abelard, poor bastard
All he does is get high nowadays

roman nucleus
roman molecules
The helicopters of Helios

Leonardo loves the linguine nucleus
Cate Blanchett is also an alien
With that big wide shield of a face
A friendly alien, nonetheless

Whitman says that no portaitist ever quite caught Lincoln, that they were
all caricatures. This after Lincoln's death, so surely there were no new
portraits forthcoming that have since seen the light of day. So,
basically, the truest face of Lincoln, according to Whitman, is now lost
to us.