100 words composed on the
spur of the moment. Sperm of the moment.
Momentous sperm and egg with spermomentum. Back in the DNA time machine
to track some momentous sperm and block it with some nanoprobes Frau
Hitler! Feet in these schtirrups, please! Open wide, and say Ach! Ja,
there we go with his gigantic round lenses, the scientist probes. His
nanos are all imprinted with a logo that includes a swastika with a
circle and slash through it. He's already gotten Goebbels, Hess, Mengele,
and a host of others, though for some reason he's spared Goering.
Something about the sight of the pasty, mayonnaise bastard in the
Nuremberg films, or the story of the friendship with that one guard, the
one who smuggled in the cyanide capsule Goering took at the end of his
life. Some story like that, that made him feel bad for the aging Nazi